How to Grow Cabbage Full Guide, Its Nutrition and Care
How to grow cabbage full guide and its nutrition and care. Cabbage is mainly a seasonal vegetable yet it can be produced in all region across the country. It is rich with nutrition and other food values. The Cabbages which are being cultivated in our country, are mostly hybrid. All kinds of seed are not produced at home but there are some kinds can be produced easily at home, in our country. You can also see cabbage nutrition and health benefits.
Nutrition of Cabbage
Cabbage is one of the most nutritious vegetables. It contains a lot of vitamin A. Also it plays a role as an important compliment for diabetes patient.
Soil for Cabbage Farming
It can be farmed at all kinds of soil except highly sandy soil. Sandy to silt loamy soil are suitable for it.
Variety of Cabbage
Cabbage is of mainly three kinds
- White Cabbage
- Red Cabbage
- Savoy Cabbage
If you want to cultivate advanced kinds, you can cultivate KK cross and express cross. Atlas 70, Tokyo pride, Green express etc. are suitable for mid time cultivation. If one want to cultivate lately, one can cultivate Atlas 70, Leo 80, Savoy, Rube boll, Dram head etc. You can also farm Broccoli as a substitute of Cabbage farming.
Time of Planting Cabbage
Winter is the season planting Cabbage perfectly. However, it can also be cultivated in advance and late winter. For an expected production sowing and planting should be before summer so that the young plant can get maturity before the hot sun shine.
Amount of Seed
The amount of seed for per hector is 500-700 gram according to species.
The Method of Producing Seedling
Produce the seedlings in seed bed, not in farming land. After getting enough maturity, transfer them to farming land. The size of seed-plot should have a width of 1 meter and a length of 3 meter. 7-8 days before knitting in second seed-plot we can mix 100 gram urea, 150 gram TSP and 100 gram MOP at the seed bed. Apply 100 grams of Urea in cause of poor growth of your seedlings.
Preparing soil and planting seedling
The land is made ploughing deeply for 3 to 4 times, soil is made shuffle. After sowing 30-35 days or seedling with 5-6 leaves can be planted at afternoon having a distance of 10-15 cm from one seedling to another. But fresh and healthy seedling can be knitted at the age of half and 1 month from sowing. The distance should be 60 cm from row to row.
It could be batter to give distance 45 cm from seedling to seedling per row. 20-22 seedlings are needed for 5 m bed in a yard. Every single bed should not contain more than two rows. For a short farming, you will be in need of a poor amount of seedling. So, it will be better to borrow them than to produce. One can also be economically benefited by selling the extra seedling to the others.
Applied manure and irrigation
Apply cow dung 125 kg, urea 1 kg, TSP 800 gram, MOP 650 gram for per hundred. Apply full dose of cow dung and TSP to make soil. Also you need to ensure the application of urea and MOP after sowing seedling 20-25 day (1st Times) and 30-40 day (2nd Times). Complete irrigation after the manure application.
Besides, continue irrigation regularly after per 2-3 days. When the plant gets maturity enough, extract the soil between two rows for increasing the height and for drainage facilities. As a result, Drain will be created at the middle of two rows. It will provide opportunity to remove the extra water from the beds as well.
Insect Management
Leda insect is the most harmful insect for it. If one sow lately, Diamond back moth may also attack the crop. If one wants to produce seed, he must keep the cabbage under proper maintenance to protect from further damage. Leda insect, scorpion, horse insects are also hampering occasionally.
Disease Management
Leaf spots and black rot disease are main problems for cabbage farming. Also damping off, Gray mold, club root and leaf top burning are also visible.
Production and collection
You can collect the vegetables after sowing 60-90 days. Approximately each Cabbage has a weight of 2.5 kg. Production per hundred is 150-180 kg, 75-80 ton per hectare.
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